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Falcons vs Rams | The NFC Wild Card Experience

la_3 I realize the NFL season is almost over; the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles will be playing in the Super Bowl LII coming up next weekend.  I wish both of them could lose! LOL!

Anyways, I wanted to post about my experience at the NFL Wild Card game between my Atlanta Falcons versus the Los Angeles Rams a few weeks ago. In case you don't know, I am a huge Falcons' fan and I try to go to a few games every season.  I figured this would be a good game to go since it was in Los Angeles (family had never been there) and since my Falcons made the playoffs. Knock out two birds with one stone, if you know what I mean.

We arrived at the stadium about two hours early, to my surprise traffic wasn't bad as I thought it would be, being that I was in Los Angeles. I failed to do my homework on the parking situation at the L.A. Coliseum so I ended up paying $50 bucks for parking. On the plus side, the lot was really close so no complaints!  Come to find out, I could have saved some money by riding the Metro to the stadium and more importantly saved time as well avoided major post-game traffic.  I should know better by now, but next time I'll have to do better.

So we made our way into the stadium and by the main entrance we picked up a quick bite to eat.  I really liked how they had a lot of food trucks out there. Food was really good!  Plenty of food options surrounding the immediate stadium. After we ate we hung out for a bit and took some pictures in the front of the stadium.


The L.A. Coliseum is a very old stadium that has plenty of sports history.  It's my understanding that this is the temporary home of the L.A. Rams as their new stadium is currently under construction.  As a kid, I watched on television a lot of sporting events that took place in the L.A. Memorial Coliseum, so it was cool to actually get to see this place in person.


We made our way to our seats and as expected there weren't many Falcons fans in my section. I noticed a bunch a Falcons fans behind the visiting team's bench, but they were really far from where I was at (they probably traveled with them).  I was deep in enemy territory, but I have to admit, the atmosphere was a lot of fun out there. All the Rams fans were really cool with me despite me being a Falcons fan and despite the Falcons defeating the Rams 26-13. We even got to see Snoop Dogg during halftime show and that was a lot of fun.

It was an entertaining game which had plenty of turnovers and field goals (Matt Bryant, thanks for keeping the lead for us). The Falcons were the underdogs going into this game. Not many of the experts were giving them a chance, after all, the Rams had one of the best offensive units in the NFL in the 2017-2018 regular season.  They averaged the most points per game in the regular season too (29.9 points per game), but Falcons defense came ready to play that night, and they were able to hold the Rams to 13 points. Atlanta went on to face the Philadelphia Eagles in Philly where they were eventually eliminated.



The Falcons winning in L.A. made my trip all worthwhile though! Hopefully, they'll have a better season next year and I hope to make it to a few of there games.  Below is a vlog  of that day, please watch it and give it a like on YouTube.  If you want to check some of my other Atlanta Falcons vlogs from the past click HERE and don't forget to subscribe to my channel too ;).  Thanks for stopping by!

Watch the vlog


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