Hello all! Welcome to my blog! I’m a content creator based out of Tampa, florida. I will be posting about travel, photography, camera gear and creating a lot of content. Thanks for stopping by!

A Night In Munich

A Night In Munich

marienplatz_mts Finally traveling again!!! I was recently in Munich, Germany; the capital of the state of Bavaria. In this vlog I go out exploring Munich (mainly at night). I visited Munich's main square, Marienplatz, had a nice german dinner at the Haxnbauer restaurant, came across the Frauenkirche ( Cathedral Church of Our Lady) and checked out the world-famous Hofbräuhaus. Had a great time exploring Munich!

Here's a long exposure shot I took of this fountain located in the Marienplatz. Make sure you check out my Instagram Account to see more pics from my trip.

Fountain at the Marienplatz Square in Munich, Germany. Photo: Marlon I. Torres



Enjoy! Thanks for watching!

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmcNHGw0-Bs&w=640&h=385]

Falcons vs Rams | The NFC Wild Card Experience

Visiting the Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, Germany

Visiting the Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, Germany