Hello all! Welcome to my blog! I’m a content creator based out of Tampa, florida. I will be posting about travel, photography, camera gear and creating a lot of content. Thanks for stopping by!

Photographing Wildlife

Photographing Wildlife


Great Egret taking off over the lake. If you're into photography you know that practice is imperative if you want to improve your photos. With that being said, I don't practice enough in my opinion.  However, today I was able to get out and practice a bit.

There are many types of photography, I personally enjoy doing street, portraits and sports photography.  I also enjoy wildlife photography a lot, but its something I don't get shoot very often.  I was out and about running some errands today and as I was entering my sub division; I noticed a gator sun bathing at this small lake by my house.  As soon as I got home I grabbed my camera and headed back. I wanted to get a good shot of the gator, however the gator was not there when I got back.  Instead there were plenty of birds hanging out and I decided to take some shots of them. Below are a few shots that I like.

All shots were taken with a Canon 7D Mark II and a Tamron SP 70-200 mm Di VC USD. I never set my ISO to AUTO, but it was actually convenient.  I'll have to keep trying that as well. Any tips on how I could improve these shots would be greatly appreciated. Click on the images to enlarge them.

Gliding Great Egret

Great Egret

Little Blue Heron


Group of

Feiyu Tech G4 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal

Feiyu Tech G4 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal

A Walk Through Brussels' Christmas Market

A Walk Through Brussels' Christmas Market