Hello all! Welcome to my blog! I’m a content creator based out of Tampa, florida. I will be posting about travel, photography, camera gear and creating a lot of content. Thanks for stopping by!

New York Trip Vlogs

New York Trip Vlogs


hanging at the Brooklyn Bridge Park Today I finished editing my Day 2 video from my recent visit to New York City.  This was my last day in New York and I woke up a bit late so I was very limited on time. On a previous post of mine and as you will see in the Day 1 video, I wanted to take advantage of my short visit to explore the city and take pictures.

Before heading up to New York; I had made a list of 10 places in the city that I wanted to photograph.  What the heck was I thinking?  Ten different places in such short time in NYC? C'mon man! :)  Anyhow on my first day, ended up spending most of it at Times Square.

For day 2, I made plans to go to the Top of the Rock Observation Deck with my wife, but due to the clouds and weather, there was limited visibility so we decided that it wouldn't be worth going up if we weren't going to be able to get a good view of the city. We ended up hanging out at Rockerfeller Center for a while, then took some pictures of the St. Patrick's Cathedral and headed down to the Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Visiting the Brooklyn Bridge Park was by far the highlight of my day.  I love the view of the skyline from there and was able to get a few nice shots.

It was a short, but a fun trip.  It was nice to get away for a little bit with my wife.  I hope you guys like the vlogs. Feel free to subscribe to My YouTube Channel.  Peace!

Day 1 Vlog

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-LttJ_bHds&w=560&h=315]

Day 2 Vlog

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_luqKOF1B58&w=560&h=315]

Paris Day 4 Vlog

Paris Day 4 Vlog

Contadora Island Trip - DAY 2 VLOG

Contadora Island Trip - DAY 2 VLOG