Hello all! Welcome to my blog! I’m a content creator based out of Tampa, florida. I will be posting about travel, photography, camera gear and creating a lot of content. Thanks for stopping by!

Italy In Motion

Italy In Motion


Hello world! Here are a few time-lapse videos of the beautiful country of Italy. Specifically in Pisa, Vernazza, Cinque Terre and Rome. I really wish I would have taken more time to record a few more time-lapses of the eternal city (Rome).  What a magnificent place which is filled with endless photo and video ops. I spent a little over a week over there and still came back wanting to capture more of this beautiful place. I will have plenty of photos and videos to share, but for now enjoy this short video. I hope you guys like it!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnMvT9T7IwQ&w=700&h=394]

Rose At The Fontana Del Pantheon

Rose At The Fontana Del Pantheon

Feiyu Tech G4 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal

Feiyu Tech G4 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal