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Paris Day 4 Vlog

paris-day4-thumbnail We all know that life doesn't stop for anybody. I'm certainly not the exception and before you know it a couple of months have flown by. I mean seriously! I remember being in Paris back in December and in a blink of an eye here we are in May 2015! It's amazing how time flies by and you don't even realize it!

My family and I spent Christmas in Paris and when we got back from our vacation I began editing my vlogs from the trip.  I managed to post Days 1-3 on YouTube, I even managed to post Day 1 Vlog of Brussels. For some reason, I never got around to finishing Day 4 which was our last full day in Paris, but I finally did it.

On this day we hung out at Montmartre and visited the Basilica of Sacre-Coeur. Enjoyed plenty of street music and street food. From there we went to Trocadero Park and the Eiffel Tower and walked around the streets of Paris.  It was a perfect day for site seeing, well almost perfect, until it began to rain.  :( We still had a great time though!  Anyhow, below is the video of the VLOG: Paris Day 4. I hope you guys like it and if you do make sure to show some love by giving it a like or even subscribing to my channel.  :)
